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Jason’s Blog

Jason Guck Explains the Troubles Facing Entrepreneurs

Jason Guck Explains the Troubles Facing Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs today face a lot of challenges compared to previous times because of the ultra-competitive business environment. Fortunately, there are also equally as many resources available to counter these challenges. To avoid rookie mistakes, it has become part of...

How to get yourself out of a mental rut

How to get yourself out of a mental rut

We all get into mental ruts from time to time. Everything is well one day and then it becomes a struggle to do even the most duties the next. Or maybe you feel like you're taking one step forward and two steps back with every decision you make. External circumstances,...

Failure: The Silent Friend of Success

Failure: The Silent Friend of Success

Many of us have been brought up with the narrative of avoiding mistakes and failure in everything we do. From early on, most of us have understood that when it comes to performing any task whatsoever, perfection was non-negotiable. Just like the people before us, we...

Top 7 Common Prejudices about Jason Guck

Top 7 Common Prejudices about Jason Guck

We are all victims of bias. Most people lack due diligence to investigate why they know what they know. Unfortunately, we end up having a prejudice against people who are otherwise not who we perceive them to be. A perfect example is Jason Guck. After the media...

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